This is the old lifeboat station. There's a road that winds its way precariously down, but here you can give yourself the vertigo-collywobbles by gazing down into its briny depths over the cliff. As you can see, it was built in 1914 and I'm amazed it didn't succumb to the monster waves years ago. There's an interesting red-green foliage growing on the rocks there, almost like a type of seaweed. I must find out what it is.

These lovely stocky little Shetland ponies were grazing on the upper cliff in front of Lizard Lighthouse.

I love this one gazing melancholicly (if that's a word) out to sea. I christened him Heathcliffe, which I think is appropriate.

We didn't look around the lighthouse itself - it was just too nice a day to be inside - but the gate at least was pretty interesting. Stark, minimal, functional. Like the lighthouse itself, I suppose.

looking at the first photo makes me feel abit wobbley and little heathcliffe looks like he needs a big hug-bless him. how many cream teas have you tried so far Em?
Ummm.....well, I think it's about 8 or 9. I haven't taken pictures of them all! My research has been carried out in the past four weeks, so I suppose that averages out at 2 a week. I'm sure it's much more, though!
I've been to Lizard Point. Its lovley, isn't it? So rugged and wild. I love the Heathcliff pony - he fits in very well :)
For cream teas, if you haven't already, try De Wynn's in Falmouth if you ever get the chance. :)
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