Friday 3 January 2014

Books of 2013

Yeeeees, it's time again to do the traditional round-up of all books read/listened to in 2013.

Here they all are:

2013 books

64 in total; 9 non-fiction, 55 fiction, which I find surprising as I do love me a bit of non-fiction while working away, so obviously I either need to do more work or just get hold of more NF.

19 of them were re-listens, but there have been several wonderful new-to-me authors such as Nancy Mitford, Josephine Tey and Alan Bradley, and my love affair with Barbara Pym continues apace.

So, the aim (resolution? Dare I say that word?) for 2014 is MORE PLEASE. More reading, more listening, more new authors to discover. I'm cracking on NOW.

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