Due to a bit of a serendipitous detour, Boyfriend and I found ourselves walking down Upper Gardner Street market on Saturday, where we came across a guy selling loads of ribbons, and trims, and odd fabric remnants, and, joy of joys, zips. Loads of the buggers. After a nice, long rummage, I picked out this lovely bunch above. Ten zips for a quid. Bargain.
A few of these have already made it into zippy purses, which I've been a bit addicted to making over the past few days. Suffice to say, now everything in my sewing basket has its own little cloth house. I'll share pictures of those tomorrow; tonight I have to work more on the current illo project. I think - think- it's finally getting somewhere near the finish line, but keep your fingers crossed.
Love zips!!!!
Wow! That's AMAZING!
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