I made a few of these cushion covers for various people for Christmas, but, of course, like a fool, I forgot to take any pictures. Apart from this one, which was for my Ma. Check out my patchwork! Heck, yeah! I'm quite pleased with how they turned out. I started making them in the middle of November, as I knew that I'd only run out of time if I left them any later. I'm glad I did, as, you know, life likes to get in the way and that. I still didn't look up the "proper" way to do the patchwork, just learned as I went along; I think it was better that way. Sometimes it's too easy to get bogged down with the rules and what's the right thing to do. I just winged it! (Winged it? Wung it? Wang it? Hmm.)
The fabrics are the Josefin range from Ikea, which were naturally totally bargainous, so I think, cushion pads included, the set of five I made cost around £20 in total. And I have loads of lovely fabric left for other projects.
Speaking of other projects, the next sewing problem I going to tackle is How To Sew In A Zip - which I've never tried before. I do believe I have a zipper foot for my machine, but I've been looking at this nifty little tutorial, which shows you how to do it both with and without one. Boyfriend treated me to a little stack of fabrics from the AMAHHZING Fabric Rehab today, so I am eagerly awaiting their arrival. Then the sewing of little purses will commence!
you will love learning how to sew in a zip. i learnt last year mid june time or thereabouts how to put in a zip using my new sewing machine that johns mum gave me. took me about five attempts but once it clicked then i was away! i have checked the tutorial and its very similar to how i sew mine but with a lining in. you will be fine! dx.
Loving those cushion covers and the sewing! Zips not so hard as you may think! xxx
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