Sunday, 16 August 2009


Thanks for all your positive comments about RV and Cupcake over the past couple of days. I've been suffering from a bit of a lack of Illo Mojo, so it's been nice to rediscover that and a new direction/style/approach/set of skills in the process. I shall do a mail out with her in the next couple of weeks. I've just sent out my Pirates postcards, so hopefully some new black & white work will come in due to that. I don't want to over-bombard Art Directors with my stuff!

I've been trying to have a bit of a DIY day today. I wanted to paint the radiator in the hallway as most of the paint has flaked off due to a) some idiot in the past undercoating it with emulsion and b) the paint being a gazillion years old. However, it's turned out to be more complicated than I had hoped to get ALL the paint off, so I had to take an unscheduled trip to Focus for supplies and I'm now waiting for various chemicals to do their thang before I can paint.

So, to fill my time, I made these instead from blackberries growing across the road (properly washed, of course), and oats and orange juice:




I may or may not have had three already while they were still warm, so grab one while you can!


Jayleon said...

Well that's interesting as I have never tried blackberry oat and OJ muffins ever. I would very much like to. Oh and have I told you I love you more then life it self?

Deb said...

mmmm. illo mojo's are hard to keep a rein on - its good to let them get out for a wander and a think but very difficult to deal with when they wont obey commands. RV and Cupcake are the best! dx.