Sunday, 24 May 2009

My Flat - An Ode to Awesomeness


I have now lived in my flat for a year and a day. That's the second longest time I've spent in one place (barring the family home). In my previous flats, there was always something "wrong" - the neighbours, the landlord, the kitchen floor, the leaky shower. Even though this place is, shall we say, somewhat idiosyncratic, I love it to pieces. I can live with the dated kitchen tiles, I can cope with the tiny, tiny, tiny shower room. I can go out when Upstairs starts drumming practice in the middle of the afternoon. It's the first place in a long time I have been able to call home and have been happy to come back to everyday.


I never thought I would be able to live by myself as successfully as I have. Yes, it can be a smidgen lonely on occasion, but I have a wonderful group of friends I can then go and knit with. The fact that I have to do everything myself - all shopping, cleaning, cooking, washing - can get a little overwhelming when I have deadlines, but I wouldn't change it. If I went back in time just over a year, I would still do everything the way I have done it in the past 12 months. I have learned so much and have become - without wanting to sound too cheesy and vomit-inducing - much stronger and sharper as a result.


I will miss this place when Boyfriend and I move in together come November - the first flat I will - but then we will both be moving on in a way we have talked about and planned for so long, not on a whim hoping for something better. I'm looking forward to it.


(I've been playing around with some free Photoshop actions I downloaded from Pioneer Woman. They are fab!)


Jayleon said...

My love is the Queen of Awesome

Catherine Hayward said...

Onwards and upwards! :-D

Ali said...

I have never lived completely alone - all my places have been shared with someone. It's something I wish I had managed to do.

Mrs Jenny Leggings said...

I <3 your flat!!!!! so tidy so stylish!!!

Deb said...

it looks like a super little flat. thank you for the post about it as we often see bits of it in your photos. dx.