This is Florence:

Florence likes knitting, legwarmers, choc-chip cookies and horror novels. She hates peanut butter, chick flicks and dogs.
As a quick one-off piece it took too long, really. What I'm aiming for is 30 minutes-ish, an hour at most. Florence took me two and a bit hours, but I suppose that did include running up and down two flights of stairs trying to get all my disparately scattered materials together in one room. BUT I can't find my Prismacolors (the replacements for Karismas.) I bought a huge tin off eBay for 60 quid, which, although bargainous for the pencils, is enough money for me not to want to have to buy another set. I've searched through all the boxes labelled "Emma's Studio" to no avail. I just know I'll end up tipping out every box, only for them to be hiding at the bottom of some totally random one. Bumholes.
However, I had a bit of a brainwave with how to suggest her wooliness - which was painted separately and laid over the top in PhotoShop - so I'll have another go trying to do something similar.
On a plus, all this box-upending meant I came across a few CDs I got for Christmas that I just packed straight away without listening to them. Unfortunately, I did this with all my Christmas presents, so it feels a bit like Christmas didn't happen for me! I suppose it means when I do get them all back together it'll be festive all over again. So, this afternoon I have been listening to "KT Tunstall's Accoustic Extravaganza" which is very good. Mainly new stuff, but also a couple of tracks off her last album "Eye To The Telescope".
Lovely Jon has a meeting in Penzance tomorrow afternoon, so I'm going to go with him. I love Penzance. There's a lovely knitting shop, plus quite a few fabric shops, so hopefully I can find some crafty inspiration.
1 comment:
Hey Emm@,
Just thought I'd say hi. Love the latest work on your website :-)
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