The robin is painted in exactly the same way as the inky dogs and pigs were. I think I may give him two tail feathers instead of three, though. He's looking a little too chickeny at the moment. I've also been trying out using thumb prints for his red breast, or just a scribble of wax crayon. Both are looking pretty cool so far in PhotoShop, but they need a bit more of a play about. Perhaps I could pick up something else a bit more unusual - or natural - to scan in. Like a holly berry or similar. Will have to go out for a forage!
The trees were loads of fun. I used the old-skool ink-and-a-straw method, and just basically blew the watery ink about until I got my spidery bare branches, which made me think of doing a range of spiders for Hallow'een.
Can't wait to get on with these! But they will have to wait until Tuesday, as we're off down to Cornwall tomorrow and Monday to check out some potential houses TO BUY!!! Hurrah!
Heeellloooo!! LOVE the spiders!!
I really like your inky trees.
Oh, you're so lucky- going to buy a house! How exciting. I love your experiments and inky stuff. They all have lots of life to them (something I really struggle with). I can see how cool they are going to be in photoshop. :o)
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